NFT Gets Wild as DeFinance Launches a 5 Million Dollar Worth of NFT Airdrop

The DeFinance team is excited to announce the launching of a Five million-dollar NFT airdrop that it intends to give its users.  According to the team, a million-dollar worth of NFT MetaMask airdrop will be given to 20,000  MetaMask holders as a reward for their investment in the token and an incentive to prospective participants to join the train.

According to the team, a Non-Fungible Token, commonly referred to as NFT, is a unique cryptocurrency-like digital token like Ethereum or Bitcoin built on the Binance Smart Chain. What is unique about the Definance NFT is it holds a stored value worth 500 DEFIN which can be traded after 45 days of locked period..

Definance Tech team is led by highly skilled team of Blockchain developers in Russia and Poland with over 20 years of combined tech experience and background.

NFTS – Tradable Assets

Thanks to their ability to hold values, NFTs are tradable assets such as the arts. Thus, investors can purchase them at a price and sell them at a higher price for a profit, the same way you can buy a physical art and sell it at a higher price than the cost price.

Through the airdrop, the team expects to give the token maximum publicity that will increase the token’s awareness among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Investors who hold the token through the airdrop have better chances of making money from their investment when the coin appreciates in the future.

Benefit For Investors

According to the DeFinance team, the earlier investors in the MetaMask will benefit hugely from the $5 Million worth of NFT airdrop it plans to share among 20,000 Metamask Wallet users.

DeFinance NFT is built using the  ERC1155 Token Standard which gives the ability to store Fungible tokens in this case is the Native Token of Definance known as  $DEFIN. Highlighting the functionality of the ERC1155 that makes it one of the token’s selling points, it said that it is a novel token standard that improves on the previous standard in the cryptocurrency industry to create a gas-efficient and fungibility-agnostic contract.

Thus, the ERC1155 draws inspiration from the previous standards such as ERC721, ERC20, and ERC777 to make it an improved version of its predecessors.

Safety and Security Ensured

The DeFinance team assures holders of the security of their assets. The team claims that it incorporates the best security technology into the exchange so that investors won’t worry about the security of their investment.

Aside from the NFT, DeFinance also offers a governance token that licenses investors to contribute to the token’s future. Thus, as an investor, you are also a stakeholder. That is besides the passive earning opportunity that all interested parties can leverage to boost their earnings.

Golden Opportunity:

The team reiterated its dedication to offering investors a golden opportunity to invest massively in the cryptocurrency market and thus, create an enduring legacy in the cryptocurrency industry while leveraging the power of social media to establish and sustain a good relationship with them.

According to the team, “DeFinance is also passionate about building a good relationship with its users. Leveraging the power of the Internet and social media platforms, it keeps the communication line with its users open on its official website and other social media accounts.”

You can learn more about the DeFinance exchange and its operations through the following social media accounts and its official website:

Website Join Telegram:definance_community

Follow on Twitter: definanceapp

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