Metahorse: A Smart Overview

Imagine a stallion being your best and most loyal companion, you can access anytime, anywhere, without getting out of your comfort zone. Imagine that Stallion racing and winning for you. If you can see it happening today then welcome to the future. This could never be truer than it is today.

This is Metahorse. As we are in transition between the universe and the Metaverse, the Metahorse has become the new talk of the town. It is the acronym for Metaverse and horse. The Metaverse refers to the computer-generated environments having scenes, objects, and conditions that appear to be real, making the users feel they are immersed in their surroundings. The horse is included to distinctively position the Metahorse, in both the real and digital, world as a platform where you will simultaneously experience the physical & NFT horses.

What’s more, the Metahorse, is an amalgam of Gaming and Decentralized Finance (GameFi) which is leveraging on the strength of blockchain technology, which is incorruptible, immutable, and transparent, to develop a free and fair, confidential, and highly secured, digital horse ecosystem that will help the horse admirers to own, ride, race, maintain, trade, and spectate horses digitally and inexpensively while in the comfort of their place. It will offer the chance to all levels of maturity, from novice to professionals, to become part of the Metahorse Community.

So, be a part of the Metahorse: your gateway into the futuristic Metaverse where the digital equates to reality.

For more information and queries about Metahorse and the ongoing Pre-launch Sales campaign, please get in touch with us through the following mediums:







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